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You might be wondering this question that how does it look like to travel with the speed of light. What would be the consequences? Would it be easy? Well we're are here with the answer to your question in the simple language to make it easy for every one. We know that not everyone is fond of mathematics so we will not be using the mathematical terms here for the explanation.
Now to simply begin with the topic we have to assume that this is practically possible. Now in that case, we would be experiencing some interesting phenomenon. One thing that comes in our mind while talking about the speed of light is "Time Dilation", the famous special theory of relativity given by Albert Einstein. In simple words, this theory says that if someone is travelling with the speed of light in space then the time will pass slowly for him in comparison to a person or observer on Earth .Now it is practically not possible for a Human Being to become flash and run with the speed of 300,000 km/s because his whole body will disintegrate into atoms. So lets say we have a capsule which can move with the speed of light in space.Now a person sitting inside that capsule will age slower in comparison to an observer on earth. His watch would advance only 10 minutes, while more than 20 minutes would pass for an Earthbound observer. Yeah you could also say this is some sort of time travelling. If we continued to move with this speed, we would be in future.
Time dilation is not the only phenomena some would experience while travelling with the speed of light. But infact he or she would be also experiencing some strange visual consequences. One such consequence is called aberration. It refers to how your whole field of view would shrink down to a tiny, tunnel-shaped "window" out in front of your spacecraft. This happens because photons (those exceedingly tiny packets of light) -- even photons behind you -- appear to come in from the forward direction. In addition, you would notice an extreme Doppler effect, which would cause light waves from stars in front of you to crowd together, making the objects appear blue. Light waves from stars behind you would spread apart and appear red. The faster you go, the more extreme this phenomenon becomes until all visible light from stars in front of the spacecraft and stars to the rear become completely shifted out of the known visible spectrum (the colors humans can see). When these stars move out of your perceptible wavelength, they simply appear to fade to black or vanish against the background. To simply understand this , lets take the example of some cartoons or TV shows from our childhood. You may have seen when those character ride the time machine, they do not see the any other object in the way but what they see is a tunnel of light inside which they are moving forward. This is beacuse of the doppler effect that the light coming from stars in the way tend to pass by forming a virtual tunnel of light.

As we saw above that time travel could be made possible if we travel with the speed of light. But another big achievement could me made through this. An achievement that could help us unwrap the truth about the universe. Here we are talking about the "Interstellar Space Travel". To understand this, we need to first understand the meaning of the word 'Interstellar' and the answer is simple. 'Inter' means between and 'stellar' refers to the stars. So you might think that interstellar means the space between the stars. However, this is not how science explains this. Scientists say that Interstellar space begins from where Sun's constant flow of material and magnetic field stops affecting its surroundings. . This place is called the heliopause. It marks the end of a region created by our sun that is called the heliosphere. As you enter into the Heliopause you will feel a sudden fall in the temperature. This is beacuse solar particles cannot reach there. The magnetic field would be present there but not the sun's magnetic field.
 Now after understanding what Interstellar spce is , let's get back to the topic of Interstellar space travel. Now if we create an engine that somehow could achieve the speed of light then it will become possible for us to travel in the Interstellar space. We could even look out for lives on other planets that are out of our solar system. Though this might become possible, it is not necessary that it would be easy. These distances are so large that the light itself takes years to cover them. And that is why these distances are measured in light year (the distance light travels in one Earth year. One light-year is about 6 trillion miles (9 trillionkm). And to travel for that much long time, we need a plenty of resources such as fuel, food, oxygen and water etc. So yeah we could that we would be able to visit different planets and celestial objects outside of our solar system but definitely it will not be a piece of cake.
Note-This was a short and easy explanation about the topic so that everyone is able to understand this. There are also some other phenomena that takes place such as length 
Contraction and change in mass while travelling with the speed of light. But this will only make them difficult for those to understand the things who are not from a science background. If you want us to 
explain those phenomenon also, you can comment down below.

We hope you got the answer to your question. Thank you for reading.

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