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Black holes are one of the supreme destructive forces in the entire creation. They devour everything that comes in its path. It is said that a time will when universe will consist of only black holes of various sizes. But can we put them to an end. Is there any way, a black hole could be destroyed? Well lets figure it out here.  

 1. Nuking the Black hole

Thermonuclear weapons are the most powerful weapons ever existed on Earth (of course if we don't consider the Infinity Gauntlet in the list). Now you may think that if a black hole came near to the Earth, we can just simply blow them off  with our Nuclear Weapons ,but........ the things might not go as planned(everybody knows plans never work). As the black hole treats energy and matter equally, it will just absorb the energy released by the explosion making it a bit bigger. 

2.  Black Hole vs. Neutron Star or Magnetar

So you think if weapons do not work, why not let this big guy face another destructive force of Nature. To  beat a villain, one has to go berserker too. Yeah the hero things never work properly ...except in movies. So this would do the work for us, right?  Well..... the answer is No. Of course Neutron stars or Magnetars have a very large mass and an insane gravitational pull but it is always less than a black hole. The fact is, the stars with the mass of at least 1.4  X the solar mass gets converted into a Neutron star or Magnetar. But the thing is,  a black hole is formed from a star with at least 3 times the solar mass. So both, the mass and gravitational pull is more in a black hole. So basically it will start feeding on the star making itself even more bigger. Consider it as the Dad of neutron star.

3. Black hole vs. the Anti matter

Antimatters are made up of anti-particles and anti particles are the sub atomic particles that has the exact mass of a normal particle but with opposite charges, spin direction and configuration. Normally when anti particles collide with normal particles, they both destroy each other getting converted into energy. So why not traject a beam of anti matter towards the black hole where these matter will come in contact of normal matter and both will kill each other. But this might not actually happen. The thing is, they may have everything opposite, but has the exact same mass as the opposite one. So they will be treated as the normal matter by the black hole and when swallowed,  they will come in contact with the normal matter inside, getting converted into energy which... will again be absorbed by the black hole.

You might be thinking, hey what's going on. This guy just literally eats up everything that comes in its path. But wait, everything comes to an end, even this thing will.

4. Black hole vs. the TIME

No, not time itself will stab him but as the time will pass, certain phenomena will take place that could be the reason for its demise.  Considering you don't know what Hawking's radiation is, let's give you a brief info about it. It is basically based on Quantum fluctuations of Vacuum.  According to this, a given point in spacetime fluctuates between multiple possible energy states.  These causes the creation of virtual pair of particles consisting a particle and an antiparticle which annihilate each other as soon as they are created.  Now if they got created on the event horizon ( boundary of a black hole), the anti one may come out letting the counter part to go inside. There it will collide with another normal particle on the boundary both annihilating each other. And if this thing keeps on going with time, the black hole may end up getting destroyed. So this could be the reason for the end of a black hole. Congratulations! You just sorted out how to destroy a black hole.

Note:- Though hawking's radiation could be the end of a black hole but black hole emits the particle at a very very slow rate as compared to the speed of absorbing the energy. Even if there was nothing for it to suck, there it will take almost 10^99 years to get completely destroyed. So yes, the simple way to avoid falling into a black hole, one must RUN.  

 Thank you for reading;)

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