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    "War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun one must take up the gun".
What is war?
To some people, it is defined as a state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country. But for some, it is a misfortune, a torture, a calamity in which they lose their lives, their dear ones and their everything. A period of time in which so many children becomes orphan, a wife loses her husband and a father or mother loses their son. A thing no one wants to ever take place. But sometimes, a person is compelled to take out the weapons and jump in the war, not to kill the person on opposite side, but to protect his loved ones, his motherland from his enemies. While some people wants to live in peace with everyone, other wants to capture and take control on other's land for their glory. But they must remember that everything comes at a cost. To gain someting, one has to lose something first. And today we're
here with another big question arising in the world, that is, what will happen if India vs China happened. So set the seat belts tight and let's start an amazing journey of another "IF IT HAPPENS".

India and China are the two largest countries in the world in terms of population with India set to be the most populated country in the world by 2022.

 Both the nations have seen widespread economic progress in recent times ,thanks to China's economic reforms and the liberalisation of Indian economy.Presently,China has the second largest economy in the world after United States and India is the fifth largest economy, although according to recent studies America's economy will not be the world's largest economy for much longer.According to some analysts,in near future either China or India will be the largest economy in this world.While both the countries still experience high poverty rates, some progress has been made. 

Not surprisingly, China has increased spending on defense and in 2019 the estimated amount is $261 billion and that for India is $71.1 billion. Both India and China are nuclear states and along with that they have highly advanced technologies and weapon systems.

 The tensions between the two countries have crossed a new level nowadays and it has become a war like situation after India recaptured the black top, finger 4 and many peaks over Pangong lake of Aksai Chin.



 First, I want to clarify that China and India being positioned 3rd and 4th respectively in Global Fire Power Rankings 2018 and they always try to avoid a war. Because the modern wars are not like ancient and medieval age wars involving occupying a landmass, looting the defeat and fighting at a battle field. Such wars have ended with the World War-I itself. Modern day wars involves huge destruction of property, Loss of millions of lives and complete annihilation. Either winner or a loser, both countries take a very very long time to recover from the war effects and to bring their economies to Normalcy. Being the fastest growing economies in the world and with such economic development they never indulge in a direct war. There will always be some taunting from both sides like recent Doklam standoff, Crossing each other borders, making tense situation on borders by deploying regiments etc. because of their border disputes and collision of their aspirations of becoming a global super power. 

Now lets take the Hypothetical situation!!! The Worst Case Scenario!!! War!! 

So,let's compare their military powers and various aspects if war happened between them.


 India currently has a stockpile of 150 nuclear warheads and China's stockpile is more than double at 320 warheads.


India's active personnel include 1440000 personnel,which is lower than China's 2183000 personnel.However, India has a much better bench strength with 2100000 reserve personnel compared to China's 510000 reserve personnel.


 With 4292 tanks and 4,060 field artillery India is ahead of China which has just 3500 tanks and 3600 field artillery.While China has upper hand in armoured vehicles,self-propelled artillery and rocket projectors


 India has a total of 2123 aircrafts while China has 3210 aircrafts, including combat aircrafts, dedicated attack aircrafts,special mission planes,helicopters and helos.


 India has a fleet strength of 285 while China has 777,including aircraft carriers,submarines, destroyers,frigates,corvettes,mine warfare ships,coastal patrol ships.

You may think that the only factor on which the war depends is upon the quantity and quality of weapons. No doubt China is ahead of India in many ways whether its quality, quantity, army budget and many things.But, India has a great advantage of Himalayas. Indian soldiers are well trained in mountain warfare and they are considered as one of the best soldiers in this world. India has fought various wars with Pakistan in which Pakistan had more advanced weapons and larger army than India, but India won all of them. The most recent of them is Kargil War where Pakistan had a tactical advantage of high peaks but India still managed to defeat them. While China has no such experience of war for previous 40 years, the last war that china fought was with Vietnam in 1979 in which China was not successful in their campaign. So, it's obvious India will not let China capture their single inch of land if war broke out between the two countries.

We live in a diplomatic world there are no friends and no enemies , only intrests

So, China would have an unshaken support from Pakistan, which wants Indian territories. Pakistan may also open a new war front from the western frontier. Whereas India would be supported by countries like USA, NATO countries and Israel by selling India weapons , but that would be trade , rather than support.But let's this aside and only consider India and China in full fledged war with a condition of no use of nuclear weapons.

 Let us divide the war centers into Land, Sea and Air.



 A 40,000 Armoured Vehicles superiority over 2800 on the Indian side will be of no advantage over a border that spreads over hundreds of kilometers of rocky, inhospitable, monstrously huge Himalayas with narrow passes. Currently India is in better position after occupying high peaks and have better artillery than China in such situation more lives will be lost on Chinese side. Also Indian soldiers are best in mountain warfare so they will definitely knock the Chinese soldier


 Chinese air crafts has undoubted numerical superiority but China has only 5 large airbases in Tibet and 2 in Xinjiang. India on the other hand has nearly 20 bases within flight range of the LAC.So, the majority of the 3000 aircraft of the China are on the eastern side 3,500 km away from the action.This would mean mid-air refueling,It would take a longer time for China to respond after a primary attack by Indian Air force

And India will be able to track the incoming aircraft long before it reaches the war zone


 Although China has more naval assets than India, but China again has a Geography problem.And that’s the choke point in the Straits of Malacca


If the Chinese Navy enter the Indian Ocean to engage with the Indian Navy, they will have to come through this Strait and this channel is very narrow only 2 km at its narrowest point.It will be difficult for them to send naval assets without significant resistance from the Indian Navy guarding the entrance via Indira Point.Oil is the fuel on which the war machine runs and 80% of China’s oil is imported through the Malacca strait.A naval blockade on Malacca, Lombok and Sunda straits will bring upon an oil crisis.


 It would not be easy for china to defeat India but India can definitely checkmate china in all cases.


So , what can we as India do against this? 

 The only thing we can do is to boycott the Chinese products. I know this sounds impossible at the movement. But look around us. At least half of the products or more in our house are Chinese products. China is literally in our houses.

 A middle class man cannot just throw away these products he has brought from his hard earned income , I am also writing all this from a Chinese phone.Replacing Chinese products won't happen in a day or even a year , but it will surely happen in the next five years if we start now. We as Indians must start buying only local Indian products from now, the Chinese products would grow old and be replaced by Indian ones.The Chinese economic threat would be neutralized as India becomes self sufficient and grows its economy. But this is one battle which the army cant fight , only you and me can.

 The other big decision India has to make today is to take a political stand against China.China has been continuously voting against India from the time India talks about combating terrorism to Indian membership in Nuclear suppliers group.India needs to start taking a political stand against china.We must support the USA when it makes sanctions against the Chinese.We must increase our influence on countries like Vietnam , Taiwan , Brunei etc which face conflicts with China

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