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Well you all heard about that some of the animals can see during night also. Well, we all know human cannot but have you ever thought  humans can? Yes, human can but with help of some devices, What if  these devices can be replace too. Eager to know!! 
Be ready we will give you the light in the dark!!!!!! 

Night vision technology is specifically discovered for the soldier. NVGs (night vision goggles) are used bh the troops during the night operation but during the evolution of time it finds to replace this goggles with other technology for safety of soldier guarding and patrolling during night
Now Scientists want to inject night vision into soldiers eyes. Scientists have developed injection containing nano particles. Which when administrated into the eyes convert infrared rays into visible light. It will provide the ability of night vision upto 10 weeks.
Before that soldier wear goggles to see their surroundings in the dark. If it happens  then this injection will able to replace the bulky googles. This injection is currently developed by the scientists of USA and CHINA. Though they have not tested it on human yet but this injection is successfull on laboratory mice. But the researchers are confident they this injection is also going to work on human without any side.
The one thing which is a great concern is the taking of multiple dose during a war like situations. The environment around a battle field is messy and unpleasant environment for giving the injecting.
The Advantanges of night vision injection is that there is no need to carry electric sources and battery to the troops during war and operations. It will make them free and make less fatigue. Nanoparticle which contain the rare earth elements erbium and ytterbium from Infra red light into high-energy green light. 
Night vision technology works in two different ways, namely Image 
Intensification and Thermal Imaging.
Image intensification:
This method basically involves ambient light implication. It works by being able to detect low levels of light and then amplify it. When photons( tiny energy packets that make up light) enter an image enhancer they first hit a layer called a photo cathode which releases electrons. These electrons hit a second layer called a micro channel 
plate which multiplies the electrons before they hit the phosphor screen which converts them back into light because there are now so many more electrons that we get a brighter image. But this model fails if there isn’t enough light for the thermal enhancers to see at all.
Thermal Imaging
This approach requires capturing the upper portion of the infrared light spectrum emitted as heat energy by objects instead of being simply reflected as light. 
Temperature is detected by capturing the different levels of IR radiation. Although we cannot see the light in the dark, but it can be felt as heat provided the intensity is high enough. But thermal imaging has many disadvantages: too costly, image formed is of poor quality and we cannot see the target objects if there are transparent obstacles in our field of view.

Thanks for reading :) 

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